Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reservation and Cast Politics

Word "Reservation" always been notorious because of its use and Reservation on the bases of cast makes it absurdic. Now a days these words become very common, " Reservation for Gujjar's,Reservation for Jat's, Reservation for Dalit, Reservation for Minorities". Seriously i feel people become fed up of these things. One question always come to my mind "Why these people love to live or called UNDER PREVILEGED while they have every thing with them?" Is this some kind of status symbol that I am SC,ST, OBC or Under Privileged.One thing always strike in my mind why a person can't  treat other person  like a person ?

Does it matter, In which family you are born? It is totally a mental issue which is converted in political and than a national issue. People put their energy, money and time to get reservation, why not these people put their efforts for humanity and works to take out their community form the list of Under Privileged and why they only work for their community only not for humanities.  They protest for their community which seriously affect other people (which may be of their own community) who are going to their work, to meet relatives, or to help others in Hospital. I feel pity whe some of the well educated person support such type of protest which harm whole society.

I feel its time when Suprime Court of India should intervene and give strict guidelines for various selection procedures. Because this matter gone beyond the reach of state or center government. These governments just play politics on these issues nothing more than that. Same is happaning now a days, there are elections in various states so opposition or even ruling parts do these things. Suprime Court should come step by step to remove every kind of Reservation and discrimination, which create hatred in society. Removal of reservation should start form the education fields, where there will not be any reservation in any education institute of any kind, people should sit in entarance exams if they clear it they will be admitted in institution irrespective of their cast.

Its my request to all the people  To become a human rather than a communal.

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